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Marketing and Management Co-operative Dairies
Question: Examine about the Marketing and Management Co-employable Dairies. Answer: Presentation The Fonterra Co-employable Grou...
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Marketing and Management Co-operative Dairies
Question: Examine about the Marketing and Management Co-employable Dairies. Answer: Presentation The Fonterra Co-employable Group Limited is claimed by the agreeable dairy organizations and by the ranchers of the nation. The foundation of the organization occurred in 2001 after the deregulation that was finished by the legislature. This aided in consolidating the biggest dairy organizations of New Zealand, which were New Zealand Dairy Group and Kiwi Co-usable Dairies. The organization currently has its quality felt in excess of hundred organizations and is perhaps the biggest exporter of dairy on the planet. The base camp of the organization is situated in Auckland, New Zealand and has in excess of thirty assembling destinations, which is conveyed around the nation. The organization right now utilizes around 22,000 representatives who work for the association and encourages the organization to accomplish the ideal targets (McGiven, 2016). Results of the organization The organization gathers milk from the providers who are for the most part the ranchers and expends around 17 billion liters consistently, which is around 87 percent of the creation of milk in New Zealand. It likewise gains 4.9 billion liters milk from outside the nation through different ranchers and the joint endeavors that the organization has with others. The milk is then prepared and made in to different items, which changes from milk powder to frozen yogurt. The items are then bundled and circulated the nation over and on a worldwide scale. It is seen that the creating nations are increasingly disposed towards high nourishment and brands that are related with wellbeing and favor the items, for example, Anlene and Anmum. The created nations incline toward items like Anchor and Tip Top, which can be separated by its taste. Different items that are created by Fonterra are Calci Yum, Country Soft, De Winkel, Fresh n Fruity, Galaxy, Ferndale, Primo and Kapiti to give some examples. The organization makes different dairy items that incorporate milk, margarine, dessert, bread, cheddar, yogurt, and milk powder (Sneddon et al., 2015). Vision The vision of the organization is to give sustenance that is picked up by dairy normally to everyone, regular and anyplace. Strategic The crucial the organization is to extend its activity universally and distinguish the zones that have high qualities for request in milk with the goal that the organization can without much of a stretch accomplish the objectives. Objectives The objective of the organization is to construct solid connections, which will keep going for a long haul with the accomplices and keep up the activities from the base degree of the association. Objective The goal of the organization is to build the business volume and making more qualities by distinguishing new markets where it can work and address the issues of the purchasers regarding necessities in dairy (Addison Esar, 2013). Natural Scanning: SWOT Analysis Strengths The organization has a consistent and made sure about gracefully of milk from the different ranchers in New Zealand. The ranchers have the trust in the organization on account of the long-standing relationship that the organization keeps up with the partners. The organization has converged with other dairy organizations that is available in New Zealand so the flexibly chain of the organization can be expanded and the assets that are accessible in different organizations can be used completely (Langford, 2013). Since, the clients of New Zealand expend enormous amounts of dairy items, it encourages the organization to sell effectively the items that they are producing. The organization enlists staffs that are most ideally equipped appropriate for the activity in the organization. The workers are assigned the occupations that they are sufficiently qualified to do and place their ability in full impact. Along these lines the organization does the administration of the representatives effectively (Harris Gibb, 2016). Shortcoming The organization keeps up a decent connection with the ranchers who flexibly them the milk for assembling the various items. The contenders can offer a superior cost for the milk and drop the agreement that the ranchers and providers have with Fonterra (Langford, 2013). The unions that the organization made with the two distinct organizations has made the covering of the assets that the organization has. This has made the proficiency of the representatives to decrease and is found in the creation procedure of the organization. The framework and the migration of the assembling destinations are taking substantial tolls from the perspective of the organization. As the crude materials are short-lived in nature, the reliance on the atmosphere and the environment is a central point for the organization as they are excessively solid on it. These elements assume a significant job in hampering the efficiency level of the organization (Harris Gibb, 2016). Openings Since, the organization has altruism in various nations over the globe; the passage to new markets won't make any boundary for them. This will assist the organization with gaining access in any market that they need to target (Langford, 2013). The World Trade Organization (WTO) through different exchanges has made the cost lower from the perspective of the providers, which causes the organization to buy the crude materials at a less expensive cost. The organization can build the brand personality by having a spotless green picture, which will add more qualities to its items before the clients. This picture will help the organization in selling more items and augmenting its benefits (Harris Gibb, 2016). Dangers The organization while going worldwide may confront rivalry from the neighborhood providers where they will expand the expense of the crude materials with the goal that the organization can't buy it. Along these lines, the neighborhood organizations will confine the section of Fonterra in the market. The contenders who flexibly dairy items on a nearby scale may adopt a worldwide strategy, which will hamper the business action of Fonterra (Langford, 2013). The media and the legitimate conventions of certain nations are extremely confounded, which will make the organization to defer in their exercises of delivering the items in that nation. The organization needs to depend on the trade paces of the cash that they wish to pick up passage. Since, the rates vary consistently the organization should change the costs of the items likewise, which will make them in having a negative brand picture before the clients (Harris Gibb, 2016). PESTEL Analysis: Political The administration of the nation has given rules to have a solid eating regimen by expending more dairy items. The organization will have progressively potential in the sending out market because of the new exchange understandings that has occurred in the nation with the organization. There has been an expansion in the strain between the ideological groups and the exchange understandings between New Zealand and different nations, which may hamper the deals of the organization. The abroad system has expanded the duties on the imported merchandise, which has empowered the nearby organizations to flourish (Patemoster, 2015). Prudent The downturns and the monetary emergency on a worldwide scale has seen a lessening in the interest of the sent out merchandise. The steady change in the trade rates influences the organization emphatically or adversely. The fares of the merchandise may become less expensive or costly relying upon the paces of different nations. The loan fees in the nation are high, which straightforwardly influences the ranchers who flexibly milk to the organization. It can limit the ventures on a long haul, which will bring about low efficiency of the organization (Pham Duy Chau, 2015). Socio-social The expansion or reduction in the birth rate and the future of the individuals in the local and abroad market will influence the offer of milk items for the organization. Various individuals are having the option to distinguish that they are lactose prejudiced, which influences the deals of the organization. The purchasers are progressively changing their preferences and personal conduct standard that is they are moving their concentration from milk items to products of the soil natural teas (Lee et al., 2012). Innovative The upgrades in framework as for transportation will see an expansion in the items to be courses at a diminished expense. This will help in fulfilling the clients and diminishing the measure of wastage and shrinkage for the organization. The organization can utilize imaginative thoughts in bundling their items so the USP of the organization is kept up in the business sectors (Pham Duy Chau, 2015). Ecological The organization is vigorously reliant on the climate. In the event that there are any catastrophic events, which brings about flooding or some other calamities can influence the soundness of the dairy animals bringing about low quality of milk. The dairy cattle might be acquainted with sicknesses or vermin, which may influence the milk quality and cause passings in the group. The organization needs to see that the milk that is being utilized is from the cows that are liberated from illnesses (Patemoster, 2015). Legitimate The Health and Safety in Employment Act has been changed, which will influence the laborers in the ranch vigorously. The Dairy Industry Restructuring Agreement guarantees that the ranchers are allowed to join and leave the organization and sees that the cost paid for the milk is reasonable. The organization is limited under Raw Milk Regulations, which sees that a specific part of the milk is accessible to the neighborhood processors and has the option to get to the money related data of the organization (Lee et al., 2012). Five Forces of Porter: New Entrants Since the administration has deregulated the market structure in the nation, it makes the country an individual from the unhindered commerce economy. This will draw in the remote organizations, which will give firm rivalry to the organization. The new members have a worldwide introduction, which will expand the cost of the portions of Fonterra in the fare advertise (Peet, 2012). Provider Fonterra has a drawn out relationship with the ranchers of the organization, which causes them in getting the new gracefully of the milk from them. Along these lines, the organization has a favorable position of buying the milk at a lower cost on a worldwide scale too. This gives an opportun
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Journal 1 – The Metamorphosis
The initial section of this short story starts with the presentation of Gregor Samsa as a recently changed bug. The storyteller's goal with respect to this curt expressing of Gregor's new physical shape, is maybe to pass on Gregor's own astounded and befuddled emotions into the peruser's brain. The storyteller appears to envision what the peruser is thinking, as he promptly expresses that Gregor is changed, and what shape he presently has. The storyteller pushes his portrayal to unfurling the specific forms of Gregor's body. He takes the point of view of Gregor, looking down on his own body, maybe to uplift the distinctiveness and fierce mental stun of the primary vision of his â€Å"numerous legs, which were pathetically slender contrasted with the remainder of his mass, waved vulnerably before his eyes. †The peruser is subsequently empowered, through this first-individual perspective, to envision that exact picture, which naturally enables the peruser to all the more likely comprehend the impact of the change through Gregor's viewpoint. The section enumerating Gregor's transformation is trailed by a depiction of his room and of his non-bug life. The peruser sees that where the principal section was inclining towards structure and an intelligent and exact depiction of Gregor, this passage appears to comprise of more arbitrary musings than everything else. Maybe Gregor's psyche is meandering about his room, attempting to revamp his human character, while the past section had totally broken his idea of mankind. We can find in the accompanying statement exactly how decided Gregor is to re-discover his mankind, †What has transpired? he thought. It was no fantasy. His room, an ordinary human room, just rather excessively little, lay calm between the four natural dividers. †Firstly, the way that Gregor states evidently that he lived in a decent, human room appears to be odd, as he wants to qualify the ordinariness of his place of home through it's ‘human' request, rather than, state its ‘roomy' or ‘comfortable' bid. Moreover, the depiction of his room proceeds in its characteristic, as Gregor feels constrained to additionally harden the unremarkable ness of his room through its ‘four natural dividers'. It appears that Gregor feels additionally constrained to make his room typical by delineating it as being of regular measurements, consequently the four dividers, which are natural †a difference maybe to his recently obtained awkward sentiment of not having a place, of being odd †henceforth the creepy crawly like shape. The apparently xenophobic qualities of his new character truly strife with the individual he used to cause himself to be. As he states, â€Å"Above the table on which an assortment of material examples was unloaded and spread out †Samsa was a business voyager †(†¦ †The position he held, assumedly still has, of being a business explorer would persuade that Gregor was not withdrawn at all, in certainty the peruser could accept that Gregor filled in as an explorer in light of his fondness with individuals. However the way wherein he presently portrays his room maybe proposes that a more profound change had happened, one that influenced hi s fearlessness and his character. Lead by loner like remarks, for example, the â€Å"four natural walls†, one can see that Gregor may now discover haven in the closeness of these dividers, instead of looking for the open universe of an explorer. This response is fairly clear, as one could expect that any individual would feel unsettled subsequent to being changed into a gigantic bug. However where a few people might be influenced just truly, this change appears to have influenced Gregor's mind also. In conclusion, the end-depiction of the woman, â€Å"sitting upstanding and holding out to the observer an immense hide muff into which the entire of her lower arm had disappeared! †appears to be odd, as Gregor's response to the gigantic hide muff by one way or another appears to be withdrawn, similar to it was the first occasion when he had seen it done. Incidentally, Gregor tells the peruser that he had as of late surrounded the image and had put it over his work area, which would persuade that he had taken a gander at the image before hanging it. In addition, his response to the vanishing lower arm might be identified with the way that he no longer has any, which would along these lines clarify his stunned response; the way that a human is being depicted in some light other than an ordinary one is both frightening and horrifying to Gregor, a thought that is clarified again through his response to the image, and maybe in this manner to his physical state.
Friday, July 31, 2020
Getting Stronger
Getting Stronger Last week, I started lifting. Again. During my last semester here, my suitemate and I had gotten into the habit of it. We’d wake up at 7am,01 a near impossible task to ask of two 19 year old college students and head down into the cramped gym in the basement of Senior Haus every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Very few of the 90 or so residents was awake, and occasionally we’d see one other person who would come as we were finishing. In the quiet of the building, save for the mechanical whirring that plague every dorm basement, we got down to the great exercise that is Lifting Heavy Things.02 which involves a lot of different exercises, but my main focus is gonna be on SQUATTING That was my first foray into lifting, and I can admit that it can be really intimidating to start. Starting from zero is an awful feeling. On my first few weeks, I couldn’t even squat just the bar,03 usually 45 pounds on its own and my legs would turn to jelly after every workout. My arms noodled out above me when I tried benching anything over 15 pounds. Eventually, though, I got to the point I could squat both the bar, plus 30 pounds. That’s a whole 75 pounds being lifted purely by the sheer force of my thighs.04 ok, there’s other muscles involved, but this is where you REALLY feel it Maybe these numbers mean nothing to you if you’ve never lifted anything, or if you’re some kind of pro, but it was a pretty big deal to me, at the time! Unfortunately, as other responsibilities and stresses started catching up to me, our lifting regime tapered off until it became nothing. I was depressed, not because I wasn’t working out any more, but due to an awful combination of external pressures and internal workings. That summer, right after my Spring semester in 2017, in the throes of depression, Chris sent me a link to an article about lifting05 if the blogs or his social media presence haven’t made it clear, he is really into powerlifting titled “You just get strongerâ€. I read it then, and while I found it touching, I didn’t change. It was just another addition to my collection of positive things I could look back on when I was better. In the two years I was gone, I didn’t lift a thing,06 unless you count moving twice, which did involve SOME lifting of boxes and furniture which I had partially blamed on my own motivation, and the often exorbitant cost of gym memberships. Just as you’d expect, all of my muscles withered away into putty without the constant strain of heavy lifting. Well, not totally, but they definitely reverted to a pre-lifting state. But, I’m doing it. Again. My first day back, in the Stata gym with my roommate, my legs hurt so much I was mentally screaming at myself to keep going during lunges. The 45 pound bar, which I had gotten to the point of squatting it with ease years ago, was a challenge that hurt my whole body. I had broken so much of sweat doing it that my glasses had started to slip down my face. My legs were on fire as I painstakingly climbed stairs one by one for the next two days. I was essentially right back at square one, even though this wasn’t really new at all. Like the author of the article says: Starting over is often more difficult than starting. In a lot of ways, getting back into lifting feels a lot like coming back to MIT. The feeling of dread before a painful set was all too familiar. Standing there, too afraid to grab the bar and just do it. You can’t go back, because you’re already in your gym clothes standing in front of the rack, and people will notice. You can’t go back, because you’re not equipped to face the disappointment of not doing it. But, you think of the pain that courses through your legs when you realize you have to go back up after going down, the wobble of your knees when you walk around afterwards. And you freeze. As much as I had tried to force myself to be happier, to be excited, to feel the rush that returning to school would give me, I couldn’t feel anything but the dread. This wasn’t like the first time, where I didn’t know what was coming, where all I could do was keep going so I could find out. I knew exactly what I’d be getting into, and it paralyzed me. I had gotten through the process of coming back as easily as I’d put on sweatpants and sneakers, and now I was faced with the real heavy lifting. I remembered the sleepless nights, the crushing anxiety that surrounded me before every test, every PSET I had to find the knowledge to solve somehow, and I felt the disappointment of knowing that the MIT I remembered wasn’t the same, not really. All I had was dread. My roommate always tells me I need to focus more on the pain while I lift, to focus on the muscles working underneath the skin and the sensations going through my body. That eventually I’d learn to love it, to use it as an anchor that keeps me going back for more. To be completely honest, I can’t see a future where that’s true for me. When I think about MIT, I feel the same way. I can’t foresee focusing on the now: the pain, the stress, the hours lost to unfulfilling work. Whenever I get ready for a set, I steel myself and think about the afterâ€"the feeling of relief when it’s finally over, the pride I get when I realize I lifted 5 more pounds than the week before, the joy I get from just finishing something I thought I couldn’t. School is kind of like that, too. I’m steeling myself for the after, the what comes next, the beyond that I can’t fully visualize. It never gets easier, you just get stronger. But, I’m here. Again. I’m lifting. These things felt so impossible to imagine doing when I was at my worst. And, it feels pretty damn good. I might be getting ahead of myself now, since it’s only been halfway through one semester, and 1.5 weeks of lifting, but I’m relishing in the joy, anyway. Next week, I’ll add more weight, and I’ll do that, even when it sucks. It’s incredibly motivating to see progress happen before your very eyes, which lifting often does, especially when you’re beginning. Because it’s all just numbers you add, things you can carry, tangible progress that happens in such a clear way that there’s never doubt that you’re progressing. All in all, starting over has been a lot better than I anticipated. Yeah, the first day back absolutely sucked, and it felt a lot like I was back at square one, but I’m not. I feel like I’m getting back to where I was quicker than last time around. And, with time, I’ll reach the point where I was, then, and then, in even more time, even surpass it. Maybe I’ll lose my steam and stop for another two years, or I’ll hurt myself due to bad form and be forced to take a break. And maybe, some time after that, I’ll decide to pick it up and go through the process of Starting Over, again, and again and again. That’s okay, too. For now though, it’s just a lot of soreness all around. a near impossible task to ask of two 19 year old college students back to text ? which involves a lot of different exercises, but my main focus is gonna be on SQUATTING back to text ? usually 45 pounds on its own back to text ? ok, there’s other muscles involved, but this is where you REALLY feel it back to text ? if the blogs or his social media presence haven’t made it clear, he is really into powerlifting back to text ? unless you count moving twice, which did involve SOME lifting of boxes and furniture back to text ?
Friday, May 22, 2020
A Marketing Financial Report on Habibi Transportation - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 6 Words: 1824 Downloads: 9 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Marketing Essay Type Case study Did you like this example? EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Habibi transportation is a company that will be based in Al Ain. Habibi will provide transportation and logistics services to the business customers in Al Ain, Abu Dhabi and all other cities of UAE. The company will take materials and goods from supplier and deliver it to manufactures and then take products from manufacturers and deliver it to the wholesalers or retailers. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "A Marketing Financial Report on Habibi Transportation" essay for you Create order It will be partnership business. Habibi transportation empowers somebody to rent a truck, of any size, for any extend that needs pulling. The logistics and transportation industry is making fast strides in the UAE, and specifically in Dubai. With framework and realty improvement tasks blasting and new real ventures being reported day by day over the UAE, it is clear that the industry will keep on growing in the close medium term. In the first year the business will get a loss of 87605 AED. The startup requirements of the business are AED 2530500. INTRODUCTION: Transportation industry in UAE is a flourishing industry. As the demand for tourism is increase the air and land transportation is also increase. The land transportation is also used for many manufacturing business to deliver raw materials and heavy materials from one place to another. The business that we are going to launch is transportation business through trucking. Trucking is a terrifying industry to be in at this time. Yet top trucking executives say the economic downturn is no time to take a route that is excessively expedient on service as they adapt to industry overcapacity and shippers wanting rock bottom rates. The name of our trucking transportation business is à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“HABIBI TRANSPORTATIONà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ . The business will be based in al ain UAE. OBJECTIVES: The objectives of habibi transportation for the next three years include: Getting highest annual revenue every year Hire more truck driver Expand the business by expanding market Targeting the other cities of UAE as well Purchasing more advanced vehicle for transportation SALES OBJECTIVES: Sales Forecast JAN FEB MAR APRIL JUNE JULY AUG SEPT OCT NOV DEC Unit Sales Miles of Shipping 12,000 18,000 27,000 37,800 52,920 55,566 58,344 61,262 64,325 67,541 70,918 Customer accounts 0 1 2 4 7 8 9 10 10 11 12 Total Unit Sales 12,000 18,001 27,002 37,804 52,927 55,574 58,353 61,272 64,335 67,552 70,930 Unit Prices Miles of Shipping 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Customer accounts 3500 3500 3500 3500 3500 3500 3500 3500 3500 3500 3500 Sales Miles of Shipping 54600 81900 122850 171990 240786 252826 265468 278740 292677 307311 322676 Customer accounts 0 3500 7000 14000 24500 28000 31500 35000 35000 38500 42000 Total Sales 54600 85400 129850 185990 265286 280826 296968 313740 327677 345811 364676 Direct Unit Costs Miles of Shipping 50.00% 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Customer accounts 10.00% 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 Direct Cost of Sales Miles of Shipping 27300 40950 61425 85995 120393 126413 132734 139370 146339 153657 161340 Customer accounts 0 350 700 1400 2450 2800 3150 3500 3500 3850 4200 Subtotal Direct Cost of Sales 27300 41300 62125 87395 122843 129213 135884 142870 149839 157507 165540 MISSION: The mission of habibi transportation is to become the partner of business and help them in operating efficiently through effective distribution services. For this purpose the company will use best management to give accurate and timely deliveries to the customers. KEY TO SUCCESS: The key success factor for habibi transportation includes: Proper deliver schedules will be made to give timely delivery Recruiting reliable drivers who can drive safely Forming an accurate communication channel between drivers, company and customers. COMPANY SUMMARY: Habibi transportation is a company that will be based in al ain. Habibi will provide transportation and logistics services to the business customers in al ain , abu dhabi and all other cities of UAE. The company will take materials and goods from supplier and deliver it to manufactures and then take products from manufacturers and deliver it to the wholesalers or retailers. COMPANY OWNERSHIP: The habibi transportation will be a partnership business between two friends. The company will be owned by me and my friend. After the years the business will changes its type of ownership to Limited Liability Company because the company will expand and we will share the ownership of the company with the investors and we will give them approximately 20% share. STARTUP SUMMARY: Start-up Requirements AED Start-up Expenses Stationery 10500 Legal 17500 Brochures 17500 Insurance 35000 Rent 42000 Licenses and Permits 17500 Computer 10500 Website Development 70000 Total Start-up Expenses 220500 Start-up Assets Cash 315000 Long-term Assets 1925000 Other Current Assets 70000 Total Assets 2310000 Total Requirements 2530500 COMPANY LOCATION AND FACILITIES: The location of habibi transportation is in al Ain , united Arab emirates. The company is located near the factories areas. The services that company will provide to its customers will be available 24 hours. The facility of the company will be located near its target market. SERVICES: The trucking industry gives transportation services to persons or organizations looking to pull overwhelming things. Habibi transportation empowers somebody to rent a truck, of any size, for any extend that needs pulling. We will give this service to the entire of the al ain range, and want to stretch from this base zone inside the initial five years of operation. This service is given on two bases: for-contract and private bearers. Of these two fragments, Habibi Transportation will focus on the for-contract bearers, and, all the more particularly, the truckload (TL) and short of what truckload (LTL) portions. COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE: The competitive ad vantage of habibi transportation is the inconceivable industry experience and robust notoriety of its manager. His organization is likewise well known around its customers for going that additional mile in the client service division. COMPETITIVE COMPARISON: The competitors of habibi transportation includesal sahra heavy equipments , al walid equipment rental, bronze beach general contracting , Bkler dubai etc. all these transportation companies are performing good in the industry and the entrance of habibi transportation in industry may force them to take an aggressive action. INDUSTRY ANALYSIS: The logistics and transportation industry is making fast strides in the UAE, and specifically in Dubai. With framework and realty improvement tasks blasting and new real ventures being reported day by day over the UAE, it is clear that the industry will keep on growwing in the close medium term. Such development of construction in the UAE, anticipated for at least 10 years, wil l generate a steady appeal for totals and sand; this, thus, produces a consistent and climbing interest for tipper haulage services in an officially extended supply commercial center. One of the greatest giver to UAE economy is the shipping and logistics industry which takes a obligation in transporting of items, for example, petroleum mining, hardware, sustenance stuff and other significant products either transported in or locally made crosswise over industrial facilities in UAE. The transport of these to the following end, which could be local or to ends of the line crosswise over other world markets. The local and global shipping and Logistics suppliers in UAE offer different sorts of trucking to convey cargo by way. They convey everything from letters to houses to cargo compartments, substantial hardware, refrigerated , haz to live creatures crosswise over outskirts Emirates or GCC The transport suppliers in UAE, support an exclusive requirement of service, generally extr emely dependable and resolved to convey products securely to the end client. With flourishing general store business crosswise over UAE. The great illustration of street cargo is nourishment stuff conveyance. MARKET ANALYSIS: The economy in the UAE is ended up more assorted and shows confirmation of power to withstand outer stun. Solid financing in transport base and the worldwide desire of organizations like Emirates Airlines and DP World will additionally be solid positive components. In spite of the fact that the current oil price blast is maneuvering, the organization anticipates that the UAE economy will develop by 4.1% for every annum throughout the following five years, which will help the logistics industry. Manufacturers frequently outsource the circulation of their products to organizations that work in serving one the kind of retailer or business. Their bundled products are regularly delivered to stand out wholesaler/merchant, making a consistent business in ship ping between the two areas. Raw Material Suppliers dispatch extensive amounts of materials to huge manufacturers in the northwestern states. These materials by and large dont oblige refrigeration or temperature control. Manufacturers support some on location stockpiling for these supplies and by and large have some breathing space in the matter of when conveyances could be accepted, with the exception of when projections are mixed up and supplies drop low. Bundling supplies likewise must be transported to manufacturers and are incorporated in this aggregation. Wholesalers/Distributors that serve extensive retailers amass truckloads of products from the numerous manufacturers they serve. While they regularly have their trucks or dispersion implies, some of these organizations dont either in light of the fact that they are more modest or in light of the fact that they endeavor to utmost their speculation in holdings. Others may oblige extra trucking backing when they are working at limit however not ready to extend their shipping limit. Market Analysis Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Potential Customers Growth Manufacturers 2% 5,000 5,100 5,202 raw material suppleir 1% 6,000 6,060 6,121 Wholesalers/Distributors 3% 5,500 5,665 5,835 Total 1.00% 16,500 16,825 17,158 MARKETING MIX: Price: The pricing of habibi transportation is dependent upon miles for every many dirham of cargo transported. We will be capable charge aggressive rates, as we have negligible overhead contrasted with our rival. Promotion: Notwithstanding standard commercial practices, Habibi Transportation will pick up significant distinguishment through these extra promotional mediums: Press news sent to radio stations, daily papers, and magazines. we plan to promote broadly, in magazines and daily papers, on TV and radio, and on announcements. Radio advertising on auxiliary stations As an additional motivation for clients and potential clients to recall the name, Habibi Transportation arrangements to circulate espresso mugs, T-shirts, pens, and other advertising claims to fame with the organization logo. The destination of a leaflet is to depict the organizations objectives and items as an alluring usefulness. Habibi Transportation will create three handouts: one to be utilized to push sales, one to report the item in another market, and the third to enroll sales copar Place: The place of habibi transportation is in alain in UAE, Product/ service: Habibi transportation is providing trucking and logistics services to the business customers. FINANCIAL PLAN: Pro Forma Profit and Loss 2015 2016 2017 Sales 3038630 5087992 8242430 Direct Cost of Sales 1396115 2155916 3308095 Total Cost of Sales 1396115 2155916 3308095 Gross Margin 1642515 2932076 4934335 Expenses Marketing/Promotion 357000 280000 350000 Payroll 692864 910000 1015000 Truck Maintenance/Repair 27300 42000 66150 Depreciation 207669 314832 437304 Rent 126000 132300 138915 Utilities 12600 13230 13892 Payroll Taxes 208639 298193 400358 Insurance 42000 63000 87500 Licenses and Permitting 28000 35000 35000 Web Hosting and Development 14438 25200 26460 Total Operating Expenses 1716509 2113755 2570579 Profit Before Interest and Taxes -73994 818321 2363757 EBITDA 133676 1133153 2801061 Interest Expense 13612 76913 123375 Net Profit -87605 518987 1568270 Pro Forma Balance Sheet 2015 2016 2017 Assets Current Assets Cash 80350 64253 879711 Accounts Receivable 418495 700742 1135187 Other Current Assets 70000 70000 70000 Total Current Assets 568845 834995 2084898 Long-term Assets Long-term Assets 2537500 3762500 4987500 Accumulated Depreciation 207669 522501 959805 Total Long-term Assets 2329831 3239999 4027695 Total Assets 2898676 4074994 6112593 Liabilities and Capital 2015 2016 2017 Current Liabilities Accounts Payable 237031 274862 429195 Current Borrowing 10500 0 0 Subtotal Current Liabilities 247531 274862 429195 Long-term Liabilities 446250 1076250 1391250 Total Liabilities 693781 1351112 1820445 Paid-in Capital 2513000 2513000 2513000 Retained Earnings -220500 -308105 210882 Earnings -87605 518987 1568270 Total Capital 2204895 2723882 4292148 Total Liabilities and Capital 2898676 4074994 6112593 CONCLUSION: From the above financial analysis and market analysis, it has been concluded that opening a transportation business in UAE is a good decision. The demand for logistics and transportation services is increasing in UAE. The number of construction projects increase so the demand of the delivering raw material and heavy equipment from one place to another is also increasing. RECOMMENDATION From the above plan and research, it is recommended that company should expand its business to other cities of UAE also as the demand is increasing and ità ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s a good opportunity for business. Before starting this business, it is recommended that company should set attractive prices to gain customers as there are many competitors in the market so with high price, habibi transports cannot make a position in UAE transportation industry. REFERENCES:
Sunday, May 10, 2020
Poetry Analysis - - Forgive Me When I Whine by Bruno Hagspeil
FORGIVE ME WHEN I WHINE By: Bruno Hagspiel Today, upon a bus, I saw a lovely girl with golden hair. I envied her. She seemed so gay, and wished I were as fair. When suddenly she rose to leave, I saw her hobble down the aisle. She had one leg, and wore a crutch. But as she passed- a smile. O God, forgive me when I whine. I have two legs. The world is mine! I stopped to buy some lollies. The lad who sold them had such charm. I talked to him. He seemed so glad. If I were late, ‘twould do no harm. And as I left he said to me, â€Å" I thank you. You’ve been so kind. It’s nice to talk with†¦show more content†¦This poem is customary relating to life of each human, it could be related to a human nature, where in we arrive to a point of whimpering or complaining to something and yearning to things we wanted to have. We tend not to appreciate the things we have till we saw some less fortunate people than us. Simply saying, we should be cheerful and must learn to appreciate the things we possessed. That’s the best message here we can get. WEEP NO MORE MY LADY By: Gems of Thought When I quit this mortal shore, And live around this earth no more, Don’t weep, don’t sight, don’t grieve, don’t sob I may have stuck a better job. Don’t go and buy a large bouquet. For which it may be hard to pay. Don’t hang around me feeling blue; I may be better of than you. Don’t tell the folks I was a saint, Or anything you know I ain’t. If you have stuff like this to spread, Please hand it out before I’m dead. If you have roses, bless your soul, Just pin one in my button hole. But do it while I’m at my best Instead of when I’m safe at rest. POETRY ANALYSIS It is quietly easy to take in this poem or to relate on this ode. To everyone who
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Chapter 11 Aboard the Hogwart Express Free Essays
string(88) " the village post office to order three ordinary Muggle taxis to take them into London\." There was a definite end-of-the-holidays gloom in the air when Harry awoke next morning. Heavy rain was still splattering against the window as he got dressed in jeans and a sweatshirt; they would change into their school robes on the Hogwarts Express. He, Ron, Fred, and George had just reached the first-floor landing on their way down to breakfast, when Mrs. We will write a custom essay sample on Chapter 11 Aboard the Hogwart Express or any similar topic only for you Order Now Weasley appeared at the foot of the stairs, looking harassed. â€Å"Arthur!†she called up the staircase. â€Å"Arthur! Urgent message from the Ministry!†Harry flattened himself against the wall as Mr. Weasley came clattering past with his robes on back-to-front and hurtled out of sight. When Harry and the others entered the kitchen, they saw Mrs. Weasley rummaging anxiously in the drawers – â€Å"I’ve got a quill here somewhere!†– and Mr. Weasley bending over the fire, talking to – Harry shut his eyes hard and opened them again to make sure that they were working properly. Amos Diggory’s head was sitting in the middle of the flames like a large, bearded egg. It was talking very fast, completely unperturbed by the sparks flying around it and the flames licking its ears. â€Å"†¦Muggle neighbors heard bangs and shouting, so they went and called those what-d’you-call-’ems – please-men. Arthur, you’ve got to get over there -â€Å" â€Å"Here!†said Mrs. Weasley breathlessly, pushing a piece of parchment, a bottle of ink, and a crumpled quill into Mr. Weasley’s hands. â€Å"- it’s a real stroke of luck I heard about it,†said Mr. Diggory’s head. â€Å"I had to come into the office early to send a couple of owls, and I found the Improper Use of Magic lot all setting off – if Rita Skeeter gets hold of this one, Arthur -â€Å" â€Å"What does Mad-Eye say happened?†asked Mr. Weasley, unscrewing the ink bottle, loading up his quill, and preparing to take notes. Mr. Diggory’s head rolled its eyes. â€Å"Says he heard an intruder in his yard. Says he was creeping toward the house, but was ambushed by his dustbins.†â€Å"What did the dustbins do?†asked Mr. Weasley, scribbling frantically. â€Å"Made one hell of a noise and fired rubbish everywhere, as far as I can tell,†said Mr. Diggory. â€Å"Apparently one of them was still rocketing around when the please-men turned up -â€Å" Mr. Weasley groaned. â€Å"And what about the intruder?†â€Å"Arthur, you know Mad-Eye,†said Mr. Diggory’s head, rolling its eyes again. â€Å"Someone creeping into his yard in the dead of night? More likely there’s a very shell-shocked cat wandering around somewhere, covered in potato peelings. But if the Improper Use of Magic lot get their hands on Mad-Eye, he’s had it – think of his record – we’ve got to get him off on a minor charge, something in your department – what are exploding dustbins worth?†â€Å"Might be a caution,†said Mr. Weasley, still writing very fast, his brow furrowed. â€Å"Mad-Eye didn’t use his wand? He didn’t actually attack anyone?†â€Å"I’ll bet he leapt out of bed and started jinxing everything he could reach through the window,†said Mr. Diggory, â€Å"but they’ll have a job proving it, there aren’t any casualties.†â€Å"All right, I’m off,†Mr. Weasley said, and he stuffed the parchment with his notes on it into his pocket and dashed out of the kitchen again. Mr. Diggory’s head looked around at Mrs. Weasley. â€Å"Sorry about this, Molly,†it said, more calmly, â€Å"bothering you so early and everything†¦but Arthur’s the only one who can get Mad-Eye off, and Mad-Eye’s supposed to be starting his new job today. Why he had to choose last night†¦Ã¢â‚¬ â€Å"Never mind, Amos,†said Mrs. Weasley. â€Å"Sure you won’t have a bit of toast or anything before you go?†â€Å"Oh go on, then,†said Mr. Diggory. Mrs. Weasley took a piece of buttered toast from a stack on the kitchen table, put it into the fire tongs, and transferred it into Mr. Diggory’s mouth. â€Å"Fanks,†he said in a muffled voice, and then, with a small pop, vanished. Harry could hear Mr. Weasley calling hurried good-byes to Bill, Charlie, Percy, and the girls. Within five minutes, he was back in the kitchen, his robes on the right way now, dragging a comb through his hair. â€Å"I’d better hurry – you have a good term, boys, said Mr. Weasley to Harry, Ron, and the twins, fastening a cloak over his shoulders and preparing to Disapparate. â€Å"Molly, are you going to be all right taking the kids to King’s Cross?†â€Å"Of course I will,†she said. â€Å"You just look after Mad-Eye, we’ll be fine.†As Mr. Weasley vanished, Bill and Charlie entered the kitchen. â€Å"Did someone say Mad-Eye?†Bill asked. â€Å"What’s he been up to now.†â€Å"He says someone tried to break into his house last night,†said Mrs. Weasley. â€Å"Mad-Eye Moody?†said George thoughtfully, spreading marmalade on his toast. â€Å"Isn’t he that nutter -â€Å" â€Å"Your father thinks very highly of Mad-Eye Moody,†said Mrs. Weasley sternly. â€Å"Yeah, well, Dad collects plugs, doesn’t he?†said Fred quietly as Mrs. Weasley left the room. â€Å"Birds of a feather†¦.†â€Å"Moody was a great wizard in his time,†said Bill. â€Å"He’s an old friend of Dumbledore’s, isn’t he?†said Charlie. â€Å"Dumbledore’s not what you’d call normal, though, is he?†said Fred. â€Å"I mean, I know he’s a genius and everything†¦.†â€Å"Who is Mad-Eye?†asked Harry. â€Å"He’s retired, used to work at the Ministry,†said Charlie. â€Å"I met him once when Dad took me into work with him. He was an Auror – one of the best†¦a Dark wizard catcher,†he added, seeing Harry’s blank look. â€Å"Half the cells in Azkaban are full because of him. He made himself loads of enemies, though†¦the families of people he caught, mainly†¦and I heard he’s been getting really paranoid in his old age. Doesn’t trust anyone anymore. Sees Dark wizards everywhere.†Bill and Charlie decided to come and see everyone off at King’s Cross station, but Percy, apologizing most profusely, said that he really needed to get to work. â€Å"I just can’t justify taking more time off at the moment,†he told them. â€Å"Mr. Crouch is really starting to rely on me.†â€Å"Yeah, you know what, Percy?†said George seriously. â€Å"I reckon he’ll know your name soon.†Mrs. Weasley had braved the telephone in the village post office to order three ordinary Muggle taxis to take them into London. You read "Chapter 11 Aboard the Hogwart Express" in category "Essay examples" â€Å"Arthur tried to borrow Ministry cars for us,†Mrs. Weasley whispered to Harry as they stood in the rain-washed yard, watching the taxi drivers heaving six heavy Hogwarts trunks into their cars. â€Å"But there weren’t any to spare†¦.Oh dear, they don’t look happy, do they?†Harry didn’t like to tell Mrs. Weasley that Muggle taxi drivers rarely transported overexcited owls, and Pigwidgeon was making an earsplitting racket. Nor did it help that a number of Filibuster’s Fabulous No-Heat, Wet-Start Fireworks went off unexpectedly when Fred’s trunk sprang open, causing the driver carrying it to yell with fright and pain as Crookshanks clawed his way up the man’s leg. The journey was uncomfortable, owing to the fact that they were jammed in the back of the taxis with their trunks. Crookshanks took quite a while to recover from the fireworks, and by the time they entered London, Harry, Ron, and Hermione were all severely scratched. They were very relieved to get out at King’s Cross, even though the rain was coming down harder than ever, and they got soaked carrying their trunks across the busy road and into the station. Harry was used to getting onto platform nine and three-quarters by now. It was a simple matter of walking straight through the apparently solid barrier dividing platforms nine and ten. The only tricky part was doing this in an unobtrusive way, so as to avoid attracting Muggle attention. They did it in groups today; Harry, Ron, and Hermione (the most conspicuous, since they were accompanied by Pigwidgeon and Crookshanks) went first; they leaned casually against the barrier, chatting unconcernedly, and slid sideways through it†¦and as they did so, platform nine and three-quarters materialized in front of them. The Hogwarts Express, a gleaming scarlet steam engine, was already there, clouds of steam billowing from it, through which the many Hogwarts students and parents on the platform appeared like dark ghosts. Pigwidgeon became noisier than ever in response to the hooting of many owls through the mist. Harry, Ron, and Hermione set off to find seats, and were soon stowing their luggage in a compartment halfway along the train. They then hopped back down onto the platform to say good-bye to Mrs. Weasley, Bill, and Charlie. â€Å"I might be seeing you all sooner than you think,†said Charlie, grinning, as he hugged Ginny good-bye. â€Å"Why?†said Fred keenly. â€Å"You’ll see,†said Charlie. â€Å"Just don’t tell Percy I mentioned it†¦it’s ‘classified information, until such time as the Ministry sees fit to release it,’ after all.†â€Å"Yeah, I sort of wish I were back at Hogwarts this year,†said Bill, hands in his pockets, looking almost wistfully at the train. â€Å"Why?†said George impatiently. â€Å"You’re going to have an interesting year,†said Bill, his eyes twinkling. â€Å"I might even get time off to come and watch a bit of it.†â€Å"A bit of what?†said Ron. But at that moment, the whistle blew, and Mrs. Weasley chivvied them toward the train doors. â€Å"Thanks for having us to stay, Mrs. Weasley,†said Hermione as they climbed on board, closed the door, and leaned out of the window to talk to her. â€Å"Yeah, thanks for everything, Mrs. Weasley,†said Harry. â€Å"Oh it was my pleasure, dears,†said Mrs. Weasley. â€Å"I’d invite you for Christmas, but†¦well, I expect you’re all going to want to stay at Hogwarts, what with†¦one thing and another.†â€Å"Mum!†said Ron irritably. â€Å"What d’you three know that we don’t?†â€Å"You’ll find out this evening, I expect,†said Mrs. Weasley, smiling. â€Å"It’s going to be very exciting – mind you, I’m very glad they’ve changed the rules -â€Å" â€Å"What rules?†said Harry, Ron, Fred, and George together. â€Å"I’m sure Professor Dumbledore will tell you†¦.Now, behave, won’t you? Won’t you, Fred? And you, George?†The pistons hissed loudly and the train began to move. â€Å"Tell us what’s happening at Hogwarts!†Fred bellowed out of the window as Mrs. Weasley, Bill, and Charlie sped away from them. â€Å"What rules are they changing?†But Mrs. Weasley only smiled and waved. Before the train had rounded the corner, she, Bill, and Charlie had Disapparated. Harry, Ron, and Hermione went back to their compartment. The thick rain splattering the windows made it very difficult to see out of them. Ron undid his trunk, pulled out his maroon dress robes, and flung them over Pigwidgeon’s cage to muffle his hooting. â€Å"Bagman wanted to tell us what’s happening at Hogwarts,†he said grumpily, sitting down next to Harry. â€Å"At the World Cup, remember? But my own mother won’t say. Wonder what -â€Å" â€Å"Shh!†Hermione whispered suddenly, pressing her finger to her lips and pointing toward the compartment next to theirs. Harry and Ron listened, and heard a familiar drawling voice drifting in through the open door. â€Å"†¦Father actually considered sending me to Durmstrang rather than Hogwarts, you know. He knows the headmaster, you see. Well, you know his opinion of Dumbledore – the man’s such a Mudblood-lover – and Durmstrang doesn’t admit that sort of riffraff. But Mother didn’t like the idea of me going to school so far away. Father says Durmstrang takes a far more sensible line than Hogwarts about the Dark Arts. Durmstrang students actually learn them, not just the defense rubbish we do†¦.†Hermione got up, tiptoed to the compartment door, and slid it shut, blocking out Malfoy’s voice. â€Å"So he thinks Durmstrang would have suited him, does he?†she said angrily. â€Å"I wish he had gone, then we wouldn’t have to put up with him.†â€Å"Durmstrang’s another wizarding school?†said Harry. â€Å"Yes,†said Hermione sniffily, â€Å"and it’s got a horrible reputation. According to An Appraisal of Magical Education in Europe, it puts a lot of emphasis on the Dark Arts.†â€Å"I think I’ve heard of it,†said Ron vaguely. â€Å"Where is it? What country?†â€Å"Well, nobody knows, do they?†said Hermione, raising her eyebrows. â€Å"Er – why not?†said Harry. â€Å"There’s traditionally been a lot of rivalry between all the magic schools. Durmstrang and Beauxbatons like to conceal their whereabouts so nobody can steal their secrets,†said Hermione matter-of-factly. â€Å"Come off it,†said Ron, starting to laugh. â€Å"Durmstrang’s got to be about the same size as Hogwarts – how are you going to hide a great big castle?†â€Å"But Hogwarts is hidden,†said Hermione, in surprise. â€Å"Everyone knows that†¦well, everyone who’s read Hogwarts, A History, anyway.†â€Å"Just you, then,†said Ron. â€Å"So go on – how d’you hide a place like Hogwarts?†â€Å"It’s bewitched,†said Hermione. â€Å"If a Muggle looks at it, all they see is a moldering old ruin with a sign over the entrance saying DANGER, DO NOT ENTER, UNSAFE.†â€Å"So Durmstrang’ll just look like a ruin to an outsider too?†â€Å"Maybe,†said Hermione, shrugging, â€Å"or it might have Muggle-repelling charms on it, like the World Cup stadium. And to keep foreign wizards from finding it, they’ll have made it Unplottable -â€Å" â€Å"Come again?†â€Å"Well, you can enchant a building so it’s impossible to plot on a map, can’t you?†â€Å"Er†¦if you say so,†said Harry. â€Å"But I think Durmstrang must be somewhere in the far north,†said Hermione thoughtfully. â€Å"Somewhere very cold, because they’ve got fur capes as part of their uniforms.†â€Å"Ah, think of the possibilities,†said Ron dreamily. â€Å"It would’ve been so easy to push Malfoy off a glacier and make it look like an accident†¦.Shame his mother likes him†¦.†The rain became heavier and heavier as the train moved farther north. The sky was so dark and the windows so steamy that the lanterns were lit by midday. The lunch trolley came rattling along the corridor, and Harry bought a large stack of Cauldron Cakes for them to share. Several of their friends looked in on them as the afternoon progressed, including Seamus Finnigan, Dean Thomas, and Neville Longbottom, a round-faced, extremely forgetful boy who had been brought up by his formidable witch of a grandmother. Seamus was still wearing his Ireland rosette. Some of its magic seemed to be wearing off now; it was still squeaking â€Å"Troy – Mullet – Moran!†but in a very feeble and exhausted sort of way. After half an hour or so, Hermione, growing tired of the endless Quidditch talk, buried herself once more in The Standard Book of Spells, Grade 4, and started trying to learn a Summoning Charm. Neville listened jealously to the others’ conversation as they relived the Cup match. â€Å"Gran didn’t want to go,†he said miserably. â€Å"Wouldn’t buy tickets. It sounded amazing though.†â€Å"It was,†said Ron. â€Å"Look at this, Neville†¦Ã¢â‚¬ He rummaged in his trunk up in the luggage rack and pulled out the miniature figure of Viktor Krum. â€Å"Oh wow,†said Neville enviously as Ron tipped Krum onto his pudgy hand. â€Å"We saw him right up close, as well,†said Ron. â€Å"We were in the Top Box -â€Å" â€Å"For the first and last time in your life, Weasley.†Draco Malfoy had appeared in the doorway. Behind him stood Crabbe and Goyle, his enormous, thuggish cronies, both of whom appeared to have grown at least a foot during the summer. Evidently they had overheard the conversation through the compartment door, which Dean and Seamus had left ajar. â€Å"Don’t remember asking you to join us, Malfoy,†said Harry coolly. â€Å"Weasley†¦what is that?†said Malfoy, pointing at Pigwidgeon’s cage. A sleeve of Ron’s dress robes was dangling from it, swaying with the motion of the train, the moldy lace cuff very obvious. Ron made to stuff the robes out of sight, but Malfoy was too quick for him; he seized the sleeve and pulled. â€Å"Look at this!†said Malfoy in ecstasy, holding up Ron’s robes and showing Crabbe and Goyle, â€Å"Weasley, you weren’t thinking of wearing these, were you? I mean – they were very fashionable in about eighteen ninety†¦Ã¢â‚¬ â€Å"Eat dung, Malfoy!†said Ron, the same color as the dress robes as he snatched them back out of Malfoy’s grip. Malfoy howled with derisive laughter; Crabbe and Goyle guffawed stupidly. â€Å"So†¦going to enter, Weasley? Going to try and bring a bit of glory to the family name? There’s money involved as well, you know†¦you’d be able to afford some decent robes if you won†¦.†â€Å"What are you talking about?†snapped Ron. â€Å"Are you going to enter?†Malfoy repeated. â€Å"I suppose you will, Potter? You never miss a chance to show off, do you?†â€Å"Either explain what you’re on about or go away, Malfoy,†said Hermione testily, over the top of The Standard Book of Spells, Grade 4. A gleeful smile spread across Malfoy’s pale face â€Å"Don’t tell me you don’t know?†he said delightedly. â€Å"You’ve got a father and brother at the Ministry and you don’t even know? My God, my father told me about it ages ago†¦heard it from Cornelius Fudge. But then, Father’s always associated with the top people at the Ministry†¦.Maybe your father’s too junior to know about it, Weasley†¦yes†¦they probably don’t talk about important stuff in front of him†¦.†Laughing once more, Malfoy beckoned to Crabbe and Goyle, and the three of them disappeared. Ron got to his feet and slammed the sliding compartment door so hard behind them that the glass shattered. â€Å"Ron!†said Hermione reproachfully, and she pulled out her wand, muttered â€Å"Reparo!†and the glass shards flew back into a single pane and back into the door. â€Å"Well†¦making it look like he knows everything and we don’t†¦.†Ron snarled. â€Å"‘Father’s always associated with the top people at the Ministry’†¦Dad could’ve got a promotion any time†¦he just likes it where he is†¦.†â€Å"Of course he does,†said Hermione quietly. â€Å"Don’t let Malfoy get to you, Ron -â€Å" â€Å"Him! Get to me!? As if!†said Ron, picking up one of the remaining Cauldron Cakes and squashing it into a pulp. Ron’s bad mood continued for the rest of the journey. He didn’t talk much as they changed into their school robes, and was still glowering when the Hogwarts Express slowed down at last and finally stopped in the pitch-darkness of Hogsmeade station. As the train doors opened, there was a rumble of thunder overhead. Hermione bundled up Crookshanks in her cloak and Ron left his dress robes over Pigwidgeon as they left the train, heads bent and eyes narrowed against the downpour. The rain was now coming down so thick and fast that it was as though buckets of ice-cold water were being emptied repeatedly over their heads. â€Å"Hi, Hagrid!†Harry yelled, seeing a gigantic silhouette at the far end of the platform. â€Å"All righ’, Harry?†Hagrid bellowed back, waving. â€Å"See yeh at the feast if we don’ drown!†First years traditionally reached Hogwarts Castle by sailing across the lake with Hagrid. â€Å"Oooh, I wouldn’t fancy crossing the lake in this weather,†said Hermione fervently, shivering as they inched slowly along the dark platform with the rest of the crowd. A hundred horseless carriages stood waiting for them outside the station. Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Neville climbed gratefully into one of them, the door shut with a snap, and a few moments later, with a great lurch, the long procession of carriages was rumbling and splashing its way up the track toward Hogwarts Castle. How to cite Chapter 11 Aboard the Hogwart Express, Essay examples
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
Negative Effects of Music on the Mind free essay sample
What Bushman means is that not every child is affected by violence in music the same way. And sometimes it is hard to determine whether or not aggressive behavior is caused primarily by harsh music, because there are many other factors that affect youngsters manners like media, society, family, etc. It is well known that children love to imitate adults. Luckily, there are many well-behaved kids who have reliable parents and thus better models to copy than rap-stars, for instance, who do not care if they teach somebody elses off-springs wrong stuff.On the other hands, there are hillier who are already being exposed to violence in their everyday life and what these kids hear and see on stage may play crucial role in their decision- making. Therefore, we cannot ignore that not only can musical lyrics manipulate kids judgment psychologically, but singers appearance also negatively influences children s impression about appropriate behavior in public. We will write a custom essay sample on Negative Effects of Music on the Mind or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Many performers use aggressive lyrics in their songs and our children are often exposed to the profanity. Researchers at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine studied the Billboard charts, looking at the entire top 279 songs of 2005.They found that one third of the list had violence related lyrics. Nearly 80% of rap songs mentioned killing, racism, and alcohol and drug use, followed by 37% of country music lyrics, of R;B/hip hop and 14% of rock songs. It means that a great portion of modern popular songs lyrics pass violent contents. For example in a song titled l Kill Children by rock group Dead Kennedy we hear l kill children,/ I love to see them die. I kill children/ to make their mothers cry. crush them under my car/ And I love to hear them scream. / I feed them poison candy/ And spoil their Halloween. Can you imagine what would our kids, the most vulnerable and easily impressionable audience, feel about this song? Since children are not always capable to distinguish what happens in song story from real world, some will probably get scared, while other kids may try to repeat what they hear in violent songs later in life. The news article from rock music website metallurgy. Com reports that parents of a 15-year-old girl, who was murdered by three fans of trash metal group Slayer, claim that their daughter died as a direct consequence of Slayers lyrics and music.Moreover, boys involved have explained later in court that they did it because the victim fit a description of a person in the song Altar of Sacrifice: A figure in white unknown by man/ Approaching the altar of death. Of course not every child would go for such radical violence, but those, who were not mentally stable to begin with, may understand such brutal lyrics as an acceptable idea of expressing themselves or just having fun. Adolescent are also being taught that violence is the solution for their problems. Some musicians even suggest suicide as a way out.For example, Oozy Osborne s song, Suicide Solution advocates following: Sick of life it Sucks/ Sick and tired no one cares/ Sick of myself dont want live/ Suicide is the only way out.. . In this song singer gives up on his own life, chooses easy way and commits suicide, instead of working hard on building self-esteem and deserving respect from other people, which requires a lot of passion, time, and energy. Well, even though intelligent people, who understand things clearly and logically, may smile on me and say: Who cares what one of these idiots is singing? There are people, especially teenagers with psychological issues, like uncertainty about future and not believing in themselves, may hurt or kill themselves under pressure Of Stress doubled with support of their idols lyrics. Performers mesmerism kids to go and insult, beat up, or kill. There are no moral barriers for modern youth any more: if violence is what they need to get through teens will do what ever it takes with no doubt especially if they supported with favorite singers lyrics.And finally since most of musicians are public people, their epistyle and performance on stage become a big issue in develo ping childrens morals too. Im sure you have noticed how hip-hop musicians are dressed on their concerts: not any different from what they wear on the streets. And the shocking detail of their appearance is pulled down jeans so thousands of viewers can see their underwear. It is hard to get the idea of wearing pants this way, but even if it is just the way of acting against socially accepted standards and rules, the remaining issue is that they threat and disrespect the audience by doing that.In addition, Nick Gospel in his article Are You Jeans Sagging? Go Directly To Jail. (The New York Times, Gauge. 30th, 2007) informs, that: Sagging began in prison, where oversized uniforms were issued without belts to prevent suicide and their use as weapons. Thus the roots of baggy style have criminal nature, and when performers wear pants that fall below the waist they promote prison lifestyle, which is violent to begin with. Looking over all the evidence of negative influence of music lyrics and musicians appearance on childrens behavior, a lot of questions are coming up.
Friday, March 20, 2020
Witch essays
Witch essays The Devil in the Shape of a Woman by Carol Karlesen takes a closer look at the females being accused of witchcraft in colonial New England. American history has few subjects as interesting as witchcraft, because it confronts us with many different ideas about women. It confronts us with fears about women, the place of women in society, and with women themselves. Also, it confronts us with violence against women and how the problems of society were often blamed on women. Even though some men were executed during periods of witch hunting, witches were generally thought of as women, and most who died in the name of witchcraft were women. In the United States, witchcraft took place among too educated of people to dismiss it as mere "superstition." (P.10) Karleson tells the stories of some of the accused. The first person that was actually executed as a witch, in America was Margaret Jones, in 1648. Jones was a midwife and lay- healer, she was accused of several different practices. Minister John Hale, who witnessed Jones's hanging in Boston when he was a boy, later said that she "was suspected partly because that after some angry words passing between her and her Neighbors, some mischief befell such neighbors.(p.20) Hale also suggested that the crimes Jones was accused of had to do with her medical practice. She was accused of having a "malignant touch," Hale noted, and her medicines were said to have "extraordinary violent effects." When people refused to take her medical advice, he added, "their diseases and hurts continued, with relapse against the ordinary course, and beyond the apprehension of all physicians and surgeons."(P.21) Hale also mentioned that Jones was believed to possess psychic powers: "some things which she foretold came to pass accordingly; other things she c ould tell of ... she had no ordinary means to come to the knowledge of."(P.20) Hale's writings showed that stealing, and other crimes such as fornic...
Wednesday, March 4, 2020
What Is Class Rank What Is a Good Rank
What Is Class Rank What Is a Good Rank SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Have you heard of class rank but aren’t sure what it is? Maybe you want to know why class rank is important or how you can figure out what a good class rank is. And, by the way, what is a good class rank? We have answers to all these questions! Read on to learn what class rank is, how schools calculate it, and how it’s important for your future. What Is Class Rank? Class rank is a way to see how your academic achievements measure up to those of your classmates. Your class rank is determined by comparing your GPA to the GPA of people in the same grade as you. So, if you are a junior and your high school has 500 juniors, each of them will receive a number, 1-500, with the person who has the highest GPA ranked #1. If there are 500 people in your class and your class rank is 235, then 234 of your classmates have a higher GPA than you, 265 classmates have a lower GPA than you, and you are in the top half of your class. Class rank is reevaluated each grading period, whether that is semesters or trimesters at your school. So, every time new grades are added to transcripts, class rankings are updated and your rank may go up or down. How Do Different Schools Measure Class Rank? All class ranking methods involve assigning each student a number based on how their GPA compares to that of their classmates. However, there are several different ways to measure class rank. There are two main types of class rank: weighted and unweighted. Unweighted class rank determines your rank by using your unweighted GPA. Unweighted GPAs are measured on a scale of 0 to 4.0 and do not take into account the difficulty of your courses. Weighted class rank determines your rank by using your weighted GPA. Weighted GPAs usually range from a scale of 0 to 5.0 and do take the difficulty of your courses into account. So what does this mean for your ranking? If you have taken honors or AP classes, your weighted class rank will likely be better than your unweighted class rank, even if you didn’t receive A’s in all those courses. This is because more challenging courses are given a higher weight (usually a 5.0) when calculating GPAs. For unweighted class rank, a person who takes regular-level classes and receives straight A’s in them will have the same unweighted GPA and class rank as a student who took all honors and AP classes and got straight A’s in them. For unweighted GPAs, every A, no matter how difficult the course, counts as a 4.0. Some high schools provide weighted class rank, some unweighted class rank, and some provide both rankings. To learn more about unweighted vs. weighted GPAs read our guide on the topic. Your class rank also determines your class percentile. If your school does not list your percentile, it is easy to figure out. Divide your class rank by the number of students in your grade, multiply by 100, then subtract that number from 100. For example, if there are 600 students in your grade and you are ranked 120th, then you are in the 80th percentile because (120/600)*100=20, and 100-20=80. You are also in the top 20% of your class. Why Is Class Rank Important? Besides letting students know how they stack up against their classmates, class rank is used for several other reasons. #1: College Applications Class rank offers a way for colleges to see how your academic achievements compare to those of your classmates. For example, if you attend a high school that gives very few A’s and you have a transcript with mostly B’s and C’s, this may make your GPA lower than the average applicant's GPA. However, admissions officers will see by your high class rank that you were one of the best students in your grade, and this will strengthen your application. Conversely, if you have straight A’s but only took easy classes or went to a high school that gave many A’s, you may have a great GPA but your class rank will not be particularly high because a lot of your classmates received the same grades you did. Your class rank helps colleges put your GPA into context and gives them more insight into your academic abilities. Some states offer high school students guaranteed admission to state universities if they have a certain class rank. For example, Florida students are guaranteed admission to at least one in-state university if they are in the top 20% of their graduating class. #2: Scholarships Some scholarships require applicants to have achieved a certain class rank or percentile (such as top 25% of your class) in order to be applicable. Like colleges, scholarship committees may also use class rank as one criterion to judge a student’s academic abilities, along with GPA and standardized test scores. #3: High School Honors Some high schools award honors to graduating seniors who achieved a certain class rank, such as top 10% or 25% of their class. There are also honors for those at the very top of their class rankings. The graduating senior who is ranked #1 in the class is honored as the valedictorian and often gives a speech at graduation. The person ranked #2 is the salutatorian of the class. Why Do Some Schools No Longer Use Class Rank? Although class rank has long been used by colleges to help judge students’ academic skills, only about half of US high schools currently provide class rank. There are several reasons more and more schools have stopped using class rank. Some schools believe that students who just miss important percentiles, like top 10% or 25% of their class, may be unfairly disadvantaged for scholarships and college admissions. For example, a student in the top 11% of their class may have a GPA very similar to a student in the top 9%, but may not receive certain scholarships or college offers because they aren’t in the top 10% of their class. Some also feel that class rank doesn’t promote teamwork and cooperation because it makes students too competitive with each other as they vie to improve their class rank. Some schools also believe that providing class rank encourages students to take easier classes to boost their ranking, instead of challenging themselves and taking more difficult classes where they may not get an A, but may learn more. There are also schools that no longer assign a rank to each student, but only provide broad percentiles. These percentiles may divide the class into quarters and show if a particular student is in the top 25, 50, or 75% of her class. This lets you know roughly how well you are doing compared to your classmates, but you won’t know your exact class rank. Some schools also only use percentiles to designate which students are in the top 10% or 15% of their class and don’t provide percentiles for students below that cutoff. Because fewer high schools are including it on transcripts, many colleges are giving class rank less importance when they review college applications. Instead of using class rank as a critical admissions criteria, some colleges instead focus more other components of a student's transcript such as GPA or the rigor of the classes taken. You won't need to search too hard to find your class rank. How to Find Your Class Rank In order to find your class rank, first check your most recent report card or high school transcript. Your class rank should be there, usually near the bottom of the page. You should be able to see what your class rank is and how many people are in your class. Your school may also provide your percentile, as well as indicate whether your ranking is weighted or unweighted (or it may provide both). If you can’t find this information, or don’t have access to your report cards or transcripts, stop by the school office or ask your guidance counselor. They should be able to give you your class rank. If your school doesn't provide class rank, they may still be able to give you a percentile estimate. If you're interested in learning this information, try asking something like, "I would like to learn my class rank so I have a better idea of my chances for getting into college. If you can't provide my exact rank, could you tell me what rough percentile I fit into?" How to Find What Percentile You're In Many schools will list your percentile along with your rank, but if your school doesn't, it's easy to figure out. Use this formula: (1- (your class rank / number of people in your class)) * 100 = your percentile If a student is ranked 78th out of 600 people in her grade, she'd plug in those numbers and get: (1- (78 / 600)) * 100 = 87 So, she'd be in the 87th percentile. Remember, percentiles show how many people you're ranked above, so a higher number is better. Being 87th percentile means that her class rank is higher than 87% of her classmates' class ranks. By subtracting 87 from 100, you can also see that this student's class rank puts her in the top 13% of her class. What If Your School Doesn't Include Class Rank? Only about 60% of high schools still use class rank, so if your school doesn’t provide class rankings, you are not alone. Some students worry that if their school doesn’t provide class rank, it will hurt their chances of getting into college. However, this is not true. When a high school doesn’t provide class rank, colleges simply look at other information, such as GPA, high school transcripts, and standardized test scores to judge a student’s academic ability. As mentioned above, because fewer high schools provide class rank, it is becoming less important for college admissions. How far away are you from a 4.0? Use our easy GPA tool to pinpoint how well you have to do in future classes to get your GPA up to that magical number. What Is a Good Class Rank? So now that you know what your class rank is, what's a good class rank? This answer depends on a lot of factors, including your high school and where you hope to go to college, but we can still give some general answers. If you want to attend college, your minimum goal should be to have a class rank that puts you in the upper half of your class. So if you have a class of 500, you'd want your rank to be 249 or higher. You can certainly get into colleges with a lower class rank (especially if you go to a highly competitive high school and/or magnet school), but being in the top half of your class is a good baseline goal to aim for since it shows colleges that you're an above-average student at your school. If you want to attend a more competitive college, you should aim to have a class rank that puts you in the top 25% of your class, or the 75th or higher percentile. For Ivy League and other top tier schools, a class rank in the top 10% or 5% is a good goal to aim for. Remember though, that colleges take many factors into consideration when they look at college applications, and your class rank is just one piece of the puzzle. Having an overall strong applicationwith high grades, a transcript showing you took difficult classes, strong letters of recommendation, and dedication to extracurricularsmatters much more than just your class rank alone. Recap: What You Need to Know About Class Rank Class rank is a way to compare a student’s grades to those of her classmates. Students are given a number ranking based on their GPA. Class rank can be weighted, unweighted, or only include percentiles. Class rank is one criteria colleges use to determine an applicant’s academic abilities. Some high schools no longer use class rank due to growing concerns that it causes students to take less challenging courses and puts students who are just outside certain percentiles at an unfair disadvantage when applying to colleges. Your class rank can typically be found on your high school transcript or report card. If your high school doesn’t include class rank, it won’t negatively affect your chances of getting into college. Universities have many other criteria, such as your GPA, essays, and standardized test scores, to help make their decision. What's Next? Wondering what else colleges look for on your transcript? Check out our guide on what information a high school transcript includes and why it's important for college applications. Want to improve your class rank? Read our guide on different strategies to raise your GPA in high school. Wondering how strong your GPA is? Learn what a good GPA is for college. How far away are you from a 4.0? Use our easy GPA tool to pinpoint how well you have to do in future classes to get your GPA up to that magical number.
Monday, February 17, 2020
Affect Of Global Recession on Hospitality and Quality Management in 4 Dissertation
Affect Of Global Recession on Hospitality and Quality Management in 4 Star Hotels in Eastbourne, London - Dissertation Example The hotel industry is one of the highest income generators in London due to the booming tourism that is experienced in London and its environs. This has been going on for decades, and not just in London, but also in various cities around the world. Travelling has become a common occurrence in people’s lives for purposes of business, leisure, academic commitments and visiting friends and close associates. With tourism comes hospitality, hence, the high proportion of tourists who every year flock into London has necessitated the establishment of hotels and other forms of accommodation for the tourism. The hospitality sector has for decades grown, and currently it is one of the highest earners in the United Kingdom. As a result of this, global trends also affect tourism in the UK, which would further have an impact on the hospitality and hospitality management in London. The global recession affected the circulation of money around the globe, and since tourists visiting London are derived from UK and various parts of the world, it is evident that tourism was affected. With global recession came an increased standard of living among people. These changes ensured that numbers visiting London were not the same as those that initially visited the city. As a result of all these factors, hospitality and quality management in hotels was markedly affected since hotels were operating under new financial factors and new visitors.
Monday, February 3, 2020
Utilitarianism Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Utilitarianism - Coursework Example From this discussion it is clear that on utilitarian grounds, the individual should be tortured for the good and safety of others, which is noticeably ethical. For a terrorism free world, as a true utilitarian I would vote for the painful torture of the innocent individual. According to utilitarianism, the good of others should come first. Utilitarianism is a concept in normative ethics that views the best moral action as the one that maximises utility. The best and valid action in this terrorism case is to save as many lives as possible. However, choosing the option of the innocent individual to be slowly and painfully tortured is not an easy decision to make and is not morally accepted.This paper discusses that the theory of utilitarianism is a basic view of consequences. For that reason, letting one individual die for the safety of the rest of the world is a justified, permissible, and an even obligatory action. The author takes on this situation can also be justified through the theory of doctrine of double effect. The doctrine suggests for an act to be morally permissible it has to fit certain criteria and the outcome should favour many. The doctrine also suggests the action is essential for ‘evil’ purpose if it results in beneficial good. According to the school of thought established by Immanuel Kant ,believes that our sense of morality is connected to reason, therefore according school of thought letting the individual face torture is worth if it saves many lives.Â
Saturday, January 25, 2020
Cross Cultural Management A study on Cadbury and Kraft Merger
Cross Cultural Management A study on Cadbury and Kraft Merger In the current era of globalization with the advancement in the technology, communication and the channels to access the external business world; the process of business has changed drastically. Corporate personnel and industry professionals are making effective decisions and are developing efficient strategies to sustain their competitive advantage in the market. Many new management disciplines like IT management, corporate governance, mergers acquisition, business continuity management and such new principles are becoming prominent. There are various reasons that are pointed out by the corporate firms which are behind these management concerns. They include cost cutting measures through economies of scale, global expansion, risk reduction, effective and efficient management practices and so on. Merger Acquisition is one of the effective ways to invest to gain market share and to expand the business. They help in global expansion, cutting costs, new knowledge and expertise acquisition, identification of niche areas across the global market, extension of customer base, accessing new technologies and many. Dealing with the integration of two similar or different companies, it also involves certain difficulties and issues to handle. Although companies are pursuing MA aggressively, it is found that 60-80% of them are financial failures regarding their performance in the stock markets or obtaining high profits (Salame, 2006). Through this study, I tried to understand the various management issues and concerns involved in the merger acquisition process with the help of Cadbury and Kraft merger. Kraft-Cadbury Merger: The Kraft takeover of Cadbury did not happen in a simple routine manner. It involved various management issues which had proved this event likely to shape future public policy towards acquisitions and corporate governance. The initial steps towards this strategic decision of acquiring Cadbury started in the year 2007 on 3rd October when Cadburys Somerdale factory plans that announced its to shut down the factory with a loss of 500 jobs and to invest the production in the Bourneville Plant of Birmingham to the new plant in Poland. In the year 2009 on September 7th, Irene Rosenfeld, Chairman and CEO of Kraft stated that Kraft would be in a position to continue the Somerdale factorys operations without closing the plant and thus preserving United Kingdoms manufacturing jobs. But this statement given by the Kraft was not taken as granted by the Cadbury workforce before the takeover. The National Officer of the Unite the Union, which is a representative body of Cadbury workforce, Jennie Formby compared Kraft statement with the line there is no meat on the bones at all saying that there is no real intention of Kraft to come and save the jobs. Finally in the year 2010 on 19th of January, Cadbury announced the bid offer made by Kraft to its shareholders and the takeover is finally concluded on 2nd of February, 2010. But to the shock of the public and the stakeholders, Kraft, after a week of its confirmation of the takeover, announced that it would not be capable enough to maintain the Somerdale factory open and would like to approve the decision made by the Cadburys senior management to discontinue its operation. This decision made by Kraft immediately after the takeover led towards criticism. Marc Firestone, Executive President of Kraft Industries Inc. and Irene Rosenfield, CEO asserted their decision saying that before making a public statement Kraft was not aware of various factors like the internal structure of building, products of Cadbury in that facility, status of machinery and others (Mergers, acquisitions and takeovers, 2010 ) In this dramatic way, the whole process of acquisition of Cadbury by Kraft has been done making it an event that can shape the future endeavors of public towards takeovers, acquisitions and corporate governance. Inside Story of Cadbury and Kraft before Takeover Cadbury has faced many ups and downs throughout its journey especially under the visionary leadership of Todd Stitzer. Todd Stitzer working successfully for 20 years for Cadbury Schweppes has played a key role as a master mind behind the acquisitions of soft drinks industries made by Cadbury in US. He was later appointed as the chief strategy officer by John Sunderland to the confectionary side to achieve the similar success. The then competitors in the chocolates and sweets industry were the international companies Nestle, Mars, Kraft, Wrigley, Ferrero and Hershey. Stitzer said that acquisitions alone would not solve the problems of Cadbury. He said that the revenue growth model has to be revitalized to gain in the financial performance. Stitzer had developed many strategies, took some visionary steps and led Cadbury gain the business world with his strategic thinking. Stitzer and his management team aimed at the global domination in the Confectionary world, while the stakeholders w ere much worried about the financial performance. Overall with all his visionary leadership abilities and strategic decision making capabilities, Cadbury Schweppes split into pure confectionary leader Cadbury. Nelson Peltz, founder of the hedge fund Trian Fund Management also had his own role in the business of Cadbury. Irene Rosenfield, CEO, Kraft Food Industries Inc. had a keen interest in the confectionary business and proposed an offer to buy Cadbury to Carr, Chairman of Cadbury after Sunderland. Carr without consulting the stakeholders had refused the offer but Peltz who still owned the shares in the Cadbury with discussion and negotiation with Kraft finally made Cadbury lose its independence in January 2010. Impact of the Merger Cadbury-Kraft merger which involved a high dramatic and strategic process as discussed above has got its own pros and cons. Before analyzing the performance after a year later the takeover, there are certain agreements on which the takeover is being implemented. These include aspects like the brand name of Cadbury would be continued; previous commitments, pension arrangements would be honored and such, for at least two years. Regarding the business performance, the combined business has achieved profitable results despite of the difficult economic climate outside. It had improved the sales by 13% compared to 2009 and also has sold 300 million bars more comparatively. They improved and modified the corporate structure so as to combine the Cadburys successful chocolate history with the Krafts brand heritage. The combined systematic approach would create value and would help in economic and internal growth (Kraft Foods completes Cadbury takeover, 2010 ). There is high capital investment, support and commitment seen in the Cadburys RD sites so as to improve the combined business performance and the products. As we know, every coin has two sides; every decision would have pros and cons. As discussed above, the withdrawal made by Irene Rosenfield regarding the Somerdale factory led to the criticism from the workforce. Similar reaction is seen even after the takeover with many employees departing from the Cadbury. Kraft is trying to improve the relationship with local authorities so as to increase the employment opportunities. Due to the change in the working culture, a feeling of fear is seen among the employees to express their views and opinions. Kraft says Cadbury being a firm of values and heritage; we try to combine our efforts in bringing job satisfaction to employees and to outperform the market as well. (Update on progress made since Kraft Foods acquired Cadbury, 2011) To conclude, Kraft taking over Cadbury is not just acquiring an excellent company but establishing a strong connection with the public; so it has to work hard to prove and show the combined benefits of Cadbury and Kraft Foods.
Friday, January 17, 2020
Nike’s Ethical Dilemmas Going International Essay
Companies are faced with several ethical dilemmas when they decide to go international. They are faced with issues including child labor, hazardous working environments, below the livable wage earnings, long working hours, exploitation of natural resources, and bribery. For example, Nike was faced with many of these issues when they made the decision to go global. The company itself did not manufacture its own goods but rather outsourced their designs to manufacturing companies around the world. Nike’s main reason for doing this was to take advantage of the cheap labor overseas. However, this led them to be criticized because many people believed Nike was becoming rich by exploiting the hard work of underpaid workers. Most of these cases against Nike could have avoided if the company would have taken precautions about the ethically debatable working conditions that were going on in the subcontracted manufacturing companies. Nike could have researched the countries they were subcontracting their manufacturing to determine a livable wage. The company could then require their subcontractors to pay all of their workers at least a wage that could supply the needs of the individual worker. In doing this Nike could have avoided the criticisms about underpaying poor world workers for their input into the manufacturing companies. Also if Nike raised the wage enough to support the individual and their family it would prevent child labor from occurring. However, Nike should have also set a minimum age requirement with their subcontractors to ensure that no child labor laws were broken. A cap could have also been placed on the number of hours an individual could work per week to ensure that no one was being over worked in the manufacturing plants. With these requirements Nike would have keep itself safe from being convicted of having child labor, long working hours, and under payment to the workers in their subcont racted manufacturing plants. The subcontractors should have also been required to meet certain set of Health and Safety regulations to ensure that their workers were not exposed to any hazardous working environments. The factories should not allow any individual to be exposed to any level of chemicals that are above the Occupational Safety and Health Administration set limits for hazardous chemicals. To ensure that the companies were following these requirements Nike should have set up an auditing system that periodically checked on the factories to determine if they met all the requirements necessary to do business with Nike. The auditors in the system should be well informed of all of the safety and health requirements as well as the minimum age, wage, and amount of hours an individual is allowed to work per week. If any factory failed to meet the requirements within a set deadline the business agreement between Nike and the subcontractor would be terminated. If Nike would have set certain standards for their foreign factory subcontractors before they made manufacturing deals they could have avoided most if not all of the criticism concerning exploiting poor world workers for cheap labor. Making the right ethical decisions can be difficult to make especially when other companies are gaining an advantage by exploiting work of poor world workers. However, these benefits are only short term and they can lead to severe consequences down the road such as boycotts, lawsuits, and negative media. Doing the right thing can be costly but can have great benefits in the long run for a company. For example, if Nike portrays that it requires its subcontractors to have working environments that pass the Health and Safety regulations and well as it pays the workers a livable wage, it could boost sales in the United States because U.S. citizens like to know that poor world workers are protected from global companies trying to exploit their hard work for u nsustainable wages.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
The Difference Between Essay Writing And Writing - 903 Words
Essay writing and report writing is quite much similar that many of people get confused in the difference between essay writing and report writing. Inspite of having some similarities, they both are written insignificantly different styles. Essay writing and report writing should be written in a formal academic style with checking of grammar,presentations and spelling . There are some similar things in essay writing and report writing because both start with an introduction, body with discussions and examine and then conclusions and both are established in inspective thinking. But essay writing and report writing,have some dissimilarity So writers should think about before planning a writing. For a particular question, In an essay writer are required to develop a logical argument . In essay there are no sub-headings to specify the structure of an essay. Linking between all stages should be clearly decided that what came before in order to introduce the next stage of the argument. To know about essay reader cannot read only a few lines to learn.,reader can must read complete essay to understand and how well you argue on your topic. In contrast, in report writing writer must indicate the structure clearly by using sub-headings for each section. Each section has a clear and understandable purpose. Occasionally the reader may wish to read one section of your report only to understand the whole report So each division be clearly clarified and should contain the type ofShow MoreRelatedAnalysis On The Data Collected For The Present Study1192 Words  | 5 Pagesstudy (i.e., pre-writing test, immediate-post-writing test, and delayed-post-writing test). It describes statistical analysis of the differences in the number of each cohesive device (i.e., reference, substitution, ellipsis, and conjunction) in the three tests conducted within and among three treatment groups (i.e., direct feedback group, coding with underline group, and control (no feedback) group). 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